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Materials List for UCLAx
Fall 2024 Wednesday Workshops
"Chinese Brush Painting"
Chinese (or Asian) Brush Painting uses Chinese brushes, rice paper, ink, and watercolors. However, watercolor paper and watercolor brushes are NOT traditionally used.
For best results, the following Chinese Brush Painting materials may be purchased online from Oriental Art Supply (OAS). Alternatively, feel free to use your own Chinese Brush Painting supplies or obtain comparable items elsewhere.
For first-time students, CHOOSE either SET A or SET C. Click the “Description +" button on the OAS page for details. You will also need the ADDITIONAL ITEMS not included in the sets:
SET A: Western/Chinese Set (click)—Recommended
SET C: Budget-friendly Chinese Watercolor Tubes and Brushes Set (click)
4) ACCESSORIES: Items from HOME or OAS Accessories Set (click)
White felt or cloth (24”x36”)
Water bowl (approx. 3” deep)
Fine mist spray bottle
Ink dish (or sauce dish)
White plate/saucer (not in OAS accessories set)
Paper towels (not in OAS accessories set)
Watercolor palette (included in OAS Brush/Color sets; but NOT in OAS Accessories set
Example of accessories set-up:
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