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Materials for Spring B 2024 "Ink Beasts"
The following materials are recommended for Mayee's Chinese Ink Painting classes.
Chinese (or Asian) Ink Painting uses Chinese brushes, rice paper, and ink. Watercolor paper and watercolor brushes are NOT traditionally used.
The following Chinese Brush Painting materials may be purchased online from Oriental Art Supply (OAS). Alternatively, feel free to use your own Chinese Brush Painting supplies or obtain comparable items elsewhere.
1) BRUSH SET: Mayee's Student Brush Set
2) PAPER: 9 pcs OAS Premium Double 'Jade Plate' Xuan 1/3 cut sheets (approx. 18"x27") (click)
3) INK: Small Student Ink Bottle (click link) or OAS Best Bottle Ink (click link)
4) ACCESSORIES from HOME or OAS Accessories Set (click link)
White felt or cloth (24”x36”)
Water bowl (approx. 3” deep)
Fine mist spray bottle
Ink dishes or sauce dishes (not in OAS accessories set)
White plate/saucer (not in OAS accessories set)
Paper towels (not in OAS accessories set)
Example of accessories set-up:

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